Each one of 108 SAINTS and SINNERS and 3k DEGENS has a set of traits based on personality type. Personality traits define your soul and its physical characteristics. Check out how these traits affect your soul's characteristics here.


Openness refers to your soul's attraction to new experiences. Your soul isn't satisfied with the comfortable or familiar. You are looking for excitement and creativity in your beliefs, hobbies, and pursuits.


Conscientiousness refers to your ability to think before you act and move toward your goals. Your soul will make sure to make efficient progress toward your goals, and act dutifully toward the causes you care about.


Extraversion refers to your soul's instinct to be the life of the party. You energize other Saints and Sinners to rally behind projects, aiming to make this journey social and exciting.


Agreeableness refers to your soul's willingness to keep the peace. You know that others have different perspectives and can come to different decisions as a result. Your soul makes sure that even if people disagree, they can still come together for the common good.


Neuroticism refers to your soul's penchant for negative emotions. Your soul is worried or anxious about the future, and it shows on its face. Make sure to direct this energy to the tribe— they are looking for these authentic thoughts to signal whether they should ape in.

All traits are of equal rarity.